Happy Adoption Month

Yesterday was November 1, the beginning of National Adoption Month. As the link says, it’s designed to promote the adoption of children who are currently in foster care (children = ages 0 – 18) and give them stable, permanent homes when reunification with their original family is not possible.

I’ve never done a lot with National Adoption Month on my last blog, and I’m not going to start now. There are, however, some groups who are:

Heather at Open Adoption Bloggers is sponsoring an interview project this month. Keep an eye out for a link to the posts.

M at Sheeps Eating Me is reposting some of her favorite posts every day this month. Including the ever-popular “Jackass Adoption Comments” series.

Even a fiber related link…
The Red Scarf project is to make the transition from foster care to the “real world” a little easier for young adults. They’re accepting knitted or crocheted scarves from now until December 15, 2011.

From the comments this week:

Happy Adoption Awareness Month! As a fellow adoption advocate we thought you would enjoy taking part in Open Portrait, a blog that is painting a portrait of open adoption through photos, videos, and quotes. We would love you to participate and help spread the word! http://www.openportrait.tumblr.com

We are a very ordinary family and are probably not what they’re looking for in a portrait. But you might be, or know someone who would be exactly what they need. Check it out.

I’ve been working on some ornaments for a Ravelry swap at the end of this month too. Once they get sent off, I’ll put up some pictures.