Another FO and Robots

Yep. Another FO, which are becoming few and far between.

A set of socks for the Sockless Girl - click to biggify

These are the last pair of Willow Tea Room socks I plan on making for a while. They’re a lot of fun, and by the fourth pair the lace pattern’s easily memorizeable, but I think I’d like to do something else next. They’ve already been worn once, and deemed passable by the Girl Who Will Not Wear Socks.

I’ve done a few Giftmas ornaments, and I want to make a few other things for my ornament swap partner, but there are some other things I’d like to do as well. Plus I can’t show you the ornaments just now…

I really REALLY wnt to finish my sweater that’s been languishing for almost three damned years. I know I’d like to do more to it, but I’m not sure just what. It’s also too far along to just frog the whole thing, so that’s out of the question. I’ve already changed it up a little from the written pattern, but not a lot. So it’s kind of an ordinary jumbo cardigan.

Tomorrow is Anabel’s first First LEGO League (FLL) tournament. I had invited her other grandmother (M’s mum) for a visit, except there doesn’t seem like there will be much time for a visit with the two of them. Anabel’s going to be busy. Really, really busy from about 8 AM until 6 PM – with a break for lunch. So we’ll see. She really has done a lot of work on their research project, and I’m hoping that will be open to the public.

I’ve got some spinning things that I’ve been doing, with a Shetland lamb fleece that’s been languishing for far too long. But that’s for another day.

One thought on “Another FO and Robots

  1. I hear the sweater I started last year laughing at me too. I’m hoping to get back to by the end of the year so I might actually be able to wear it before the Spring thaw.
    Love those socks. I might have to try that pattern. Particularly since I haven’t finished a pair since last holiday season.

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